A Letter from U.S. Senator Todd Young

I wrote to Senator Todd Young, encouraging him to vote for the American Rescue Plan, and he sent me this reply:

Letter From Todd Young.jpg

This is my reply to the Senator:

John M. O’Leary
Evansville, Indiana

10 June 2021

Senator Todd Young
185 Dirksen Senate Office Building
Washington, DC 20510

Dear Senator Young:

Thank you for you letter of 1 June (via email) that explains your vote on the recent American Rescue Plan. I appreciate your working to ensure that tax dollars are spent prudently and responsibly in support of citizens and small business. 

But at this moment in history, fiscal concerns pale in the face of an assault on our democracy. Where is your outrage for the insurrection of January 6? Where is your denunciation of the baseless claims of a stolen election? 

We cannot take democracy for granted; too many have sacrificed that we might live in freedom.

Awaiting your reply, I am,

John Michael O’Leary